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Outdure Projects

From large complex commercial projects to smaller residential renovations recent projects include hospitality, aged care, universities, multi-residential, resorts & childcare.

Recent and current notable projects include Slims Rooftop Bar - Sydney, Barangaroo House - Sydney, The Burcham Apartments - Sydney, Ryman Health and Aged Care Complexes, New York Bar Rooftop, McKinnon Terraced Apartments - Victoria, The Block - TV, Starwood Group Sheraton Resort - Maldives, Sky Bar Waikiki - Hawaii, Victorian Legal Aid - Melbourne, Trustpower - Auckland, La Trobe University - Melbourne, Newcastle University, Sydney Trains, Meriton Heritage Redevelopment - Bondi, Genesis Commercial Development, New Zealand, Trustpower HQ, Melbourne La Trobe University, Pacific Coast Aged Care - New Zealand, Smales Farm Commercial Development - Auckland, Killara Remedial Balconies and Walkways - Sydney.

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